God & Humanity

“The universe is done. The greater masterpiece is still undone, still in the process of being created, is history. For accomplishing His grand design, God needs the help of man.”
—“Religion and Race,” 1963

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I value Heschel's teaching that we are not all prophets but there should be something of the prophet in every one of us.

Dr. Arnold Eisen

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He shot an arrow into thinking about religion; it wasn’t just about don’t do this, do that, but instead make yourself open to the amazement of the world.

Rabbi Michael Graetz

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God in Search of Man. . .touched my heart and soul.

Reverend Paul E Capetz

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He was kind of a "Hassidic Rebbe" for us

Rabbi Mijael Even David

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Here is this thinker whose words shaped the essence of how I think about Judaism.

Rabbi Pamela Barmash, PhD